Disaster Services
Disaster Preparedness, Response, and Recovery
Pinellas VOAD (Voluntary Organizations Active in Disaster) is fully organized, with our staff serving as the secretary. DAC collaborates closely with local emergency management and participates in Recovery Branch & Human Services Branch meetings, Special Needs Population Considerations During Emergency Management Response roundtables, and bi-monthly Long Term Recovery Operations (LTRO) group meetings. Staff continue to represent DAC as a member of Pinellas CHAMP (Community Health and Medical Partners), ESF-8 coalition, and engages in awareness-raising efforts for the CILs (Centers for Independent Living).
DAC also participates in the Pinellas County Hurricane Expo and the Pinellas Faith-Based Preparedness Summit, distributing information about CIL services to over 100 individuals. DAC remains a closed Point of Distribution for the Florida Department of Health in the event of a medical hazard emergency.
On a state level, staff have access to resources through SILC (State Independent Living Council) and actively participate in daily calls with statewide CILs, the Red Cross, Vocational Rehabilitation, and other organizations. Staff also participate in the Access and Functional Needs workgroup, which taps into the latest resources and identifies local needs in collaboration with state liaisons from FDEM (Florida Department of Emergency Management) and FEMA.
Contact Us for Help Registering for Special Needs Evacuation Assistance
Visit the Pinellas or Pasco websites for more information, but please complete the form below for help registering for special needs evacuation assistance. Don't wait until the storms are upon us, contact us TODAY!